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The world's leading security certification

Author:adminSource: Date:2015-7-1 12:06:48

Lockout (lock device): The device is locked to prevent someone casually isolation means isolation of energy sources or operating equipment until the end of maintenance, locks removed.

Tagout (listed): to warn other people have been isolated not just an energy source or device, use the tag.

LOTO = Lockout / Tagout, is tagout: refers isolation, locking certain hazardous energy source methods to achieve the purpose of avoiding accidents and create a safe working environment

Tagout - Chinese GB
Safety requirements GB / T 24612.2-2009 application areas of electrical equipment
3.1 Locking lockout
Disconnecting means for disconnecting a power or energy locking, power or energy of others in order to avoid a security measure (such as opening a valve) or said locked.
3.2 identifies tagout
Put appropriate warnings or warning signs on a broken power or energy disconnect device, warning others not to turn on the power or energy (such as opening a valve) is a security measure, also known as listing.

GB5083-1999 production equipment design General safety and health
5.6.3 Prevention of unexpected start For adjustment, inspection, need to examine the danger zone or the human body part (hand or arm) requires extending into hazardous areas of production equipment maintenance, must take measures designed to prevent accidental start

Where tagout procedures need to use?
(1) high-pressure jobs (including operations carried out in the vicinity of high-voltage lines);
(2) operations carried out on energized equipment;
(3) require the temporary closure of all safety systems;
(4) into the confined space (including work in any area of risk in the presence of hypoxia performed);
(5) The work may be exposed to hazardous substances;
(6) in a non-designated area hot work (cutting and welding) and the like;
(7) aerial work and a job in the pit;
(8) demolition work;
(9) All excavation work includes underground pipes and underground cables in the vicinity of the work;
(10) work performed on equipment radioactive source.

A complete source of energy control process contains four main sections:
1. The text of company policies and procedures developed
2. Energy source identification
3. Staff training and culture to create a safe environment
4. Configure the right tools and equipment for employees

Common hazardous energy sources
1. Electrical circuit switching
2. The mechanical fastening moving parts
3. The hydraulic release, emptying pressure
4. The pneumatic blocking gas transmission
5. Chemical exhaust pipe
6. heat control temperature to room temperature
7. Other ......

Lockout / Tagout 6 steps
1. Prepare Close → Turn off the device isolation energy source → → → release of the remaining tagout of energy isolating devices → confirm → maintenance or cleaning equipment

Lockout / Tagout Precautions
Lock device is an effective means of isolation and locking machines and equipment hazard power source
Tagout of energy does not shut off the device. Use power source only after isolation
The listing does not provide actual protection. Needs and lock device used in common.
Listed additional requirements: - for people affected by the need for additional training - must be used to determine the additional security guidance to achieve the same level of safety lock

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